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4 Small Healthy Habits To Change Your Life

This year I decided to take the approach of doing small things that lead me closer to my larger goals. I used to have a bad habit of trying to take on everything and doing too many things at one time which of course led to burnout. So instead of continuing to contribute to my own stress, I’ve started to incorporate small lifestyle changes and healthy habits to change my life and overall quality of life.

At the start of each year everyone is offering health, fitness, and wellness advice. There is no shortage of do this, eat, this, do that which can become very overwhelming. So avoid the overwhelm and start to incorporate small healthy habits that make a big difference.

Take Breaks to Move 

You might find that hourly reminder from your watch to stand up annoying, but its for a reason. The simple reason is that our bodies crave movement. It’s easy to think that since you get up and workout each morning that you’re done for the day, but that’s not true.

Sitting all day can cause stiffness in your body that you can’t put your finger on why its happening. This is not to say that you have to workout multiple times a day. You can get movement in by taking a short walk, or if you work from home like me, try to get up often and move around.

I try to do the following things to get movement in.


Adjust Your Posture 

We’ve all found ourselves slumping our shoulders when we’re working. I remember being a child and getting frustrated when my mom adjusted my posture. I now understand the importance. Not only is sitting upright good for ensuring our spine and joints are aligned, but it can also reduce tension and strain as well as help to make sure the muscles and tissues are properly oxygenated after that morning workout.

When sitting try to be mindful of how you are sitting. Keep those shoulders back and core (tummy) pulled in. Try to relax your shoulders and sit in a supportive chair as much as possible. It might sound crazy but I literally keep a sticky note on my computer to remind me to adjust my posture. Repetitiveness is what helps us turn small changes into healthy habits.


Be Intentional

Ever hear the old saying “if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything”? This is the approach I take about being intentional with my time and setting intentions for my days. If I don’t set an intention, I can’t expect a result. I set my intentions for what I want to accomplish at my day job, what I want to accomplish for my brand, my spare time, etc ( you get the drift). The point here is to be more mindful and intentional with every part of your life because you cannot achieve the goals you never set.



Have you ever been in the middle of a workout lifting a heavy weight and realize you’re holding your breath? Once you take a deep breath and release it, it almost feels like the move you’re performing got a little easier (sometimes). Taking the time to actively focus on your breathing can be the difference between melt down mode and I got this mode.

Take time throughout the day each day to breathe. Deep inhale through the nose to fill up those lungs and big exhale through the mouth. You can do this sitting (if you’re working) or lying down. Place one hang on your tummy below the ribs and the other on your chest and breathe. Go slowly and repeat up to 10 times.

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