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4 Simple Tips to Improve Your Physical & Mental Wellness

The holidays have come and gone and most of us are back to our everyday routines. For many that means working hard to stick to the new year fitness routine, starting new jobs/business ventures, or planning for the year as a whole. For me it’s a little bit of all of the above which leads to a massive balancing act. As I look at my life and what works vs. what doesn’t work for me I’ve realized that making small steps toward a larger goal works best for me. Example, I have a goal to strengthen my core and tone my abs more. I’m not going to workout that area of my body to the point of exhaustion, instead I have started to incorporate core specific moves into my existing workouts so that it doesn’t feel like another thing to do. 

My long winded point is simple, small changes can lead to big results. If you’re working toward improving your health here are 4 simple tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine. 



This one might seem obvious, but it is often a forgotten easy way to make our days a little easier. Think about it this way, when you spend the full day working and adulting the last thing you want to think about is preparing dinner and all of the pieces and parts that go along with that. To make this task a little easier, I started cutting and jarring my most commonly used vegetables so that they are ready to be cooked. 


I also like to prepare my snacks ahead of time so instead of going for something that may not be the healthiest, I have a better option immediately available. Some of my favorite snacks are.


Making this small change saves me time and stops me from grabbing an option that isn’t good for me. 



I once heard someone say they don’t like water and excuse me? What?! Anyway, water is one of the best ways to flush toxins out of our bodies and help to reduce bloat. I like to start my day with a warm (not hot) cup of lemon water. It detoxifies the liver and can improve digestion and immunity. 


Don’t Say Yes Out Of Guilt

This one may be easier said than done for some, but I promise you learning to say no is such a valuable skill to have. Think about it this way. Have you ever had a day where you’ve worked all week and you’re exhausted, someone texts you about a last minute plan, you don’t want to go and go anyway and spend the entire next day begrudgingly tired. Sounds fun? Didn’t think so. On the flip side of that, this also applies in the workplace. It’s ok to acknowledge that you’re currently at capacity and can’t take on more work instead of saying yes and feeling overwhelmed. No is a full sentence that does not require an explanation. Reclaim your time! 


Write It Down

One of my biggest mistakes was trying to keep everything in my head. While my memory is really great, no one person can remember every single detail. Write down your plans, write down your feelings, write down your goals. We need to read things multiple times before it sinks in, so why not free up your brain space and put pen to paper. I try to spend time each week writing down what I am grateful for as well as planning for my future goals. Having a reminder in front of me helps on those days that are not the easiest. Writing down how I am feeling helps on days when life feels heavy, and writing plans in my planner and saving appointments in my phone with reminders helps me to not feel stressed or always feel like I am forgetting something. 

Small changes lead to big results. I hope you find these tips helpful and find ways to incorporate them into your daily routines. 



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