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5 Healthy and Affordable Vegetarian Meals

Over the past couple weeks, I have challenged myself to do two things. 1. Stop assuming that because I’m vegetarian (mostly vegan), that everything I eat is healthy. 2. Stop spending crazy amounts of money at the grocery store. I have a bad habit of doing my weekend grocery errands after I workout. At this point, I am usually so hungry, that I troll around the store stuffing everything I want in my cart.

Bad idea because typically what ends of happening is that I make some pretty bad food choices, and when I get home, I don’t eat the things that I purchased, or I end up with random stuff, and I have to get creative with what I cook. This sometimes works out really well because I have made some pretty creative and yummy meals, but for the sake of adulting, I want to do better, plus, I know that it is possible to cook healthy affordable vegetarian meals.

Healthy affordable vegetarian meals

My takeaways are, stop going to the store hungry. The fix, I started adding a Belvita to my gym bag to eat right after my workouts. My other takeaway is to stick to my grocery list. I always have a list based on the meals I plan to cook each week, but somehow those extra items always find their way into my cart.

I am happy to report that after implementing this strategy this past weekend, my grocery trip was successful. Belvita and planning to the rescue.

So the real reason you are here, the recipes! Here are 5 healthy affordable vegetarian recipes that you can make at home this week. Plus a free downloadable shopping list to print and take to the store with you.

Sweet Potato, Black Bean, and Quinoa Bowls

I like to make this recipe the night before, and take it to work for lunch. It is simple and flavorful, and it heats up well.

Image courtesy of Spoonful of Flavor

Head over to her blog for the full recipe.

Vegan Red Thai Curry

I tried this recipe a couple weeks ago, and it was so delicious. I hope you like it as much as I did.

Image Courtesy of Lauren Caris Cooks

Get the full recipe here.

Smoky Kale Salad

This kale salad is a quick and easy recipe that will not disappoint your taste buds. If you are not into kale (like my husband). Substitute kale for spinach.

Image courtesy of Kitchen Curious

Get the full recipe here.

Low-Fat Vegan Pesto Pasta Salad

This pasta salad is a go-to lunch recipe for me. It is super easy and quick to make and tastes really good too.


Image courtesy of Wallflower Kitchen.

Get the full recipe here.

Southwest Salad and Black Bean Burger

This recipe is my own. It is so light and flavorful, and it has quickly become a favorite around my house.

Get the full recipe here.

Eating healthy meals can sometimes seem like a challenge. One of the biggest complaints that I have heard is eating healthy is expensive. With the recent changes to the pricing model at Whole Foods, and stores like Trader Joe’s I believe that finding healthy affordable vegetarian food options have never been easier.

Hopefully, this list of recipes will come in handy as you plan what’s for dinner this week.



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