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Butt Exercises That Are Better Than Squats

I remember when I was a kid (you know, way back when) having a big butt was not seen as a great thing. As a part of the Black community, booty has always been queen, but I remember watching TV shows, and whenever someone had a big butt, people talked crap about her “wide ass.”

My how the times have changed because now we are all working for that booty.

There are so many exercises out there that work the glutes, but it seems like whenever anyone wants to work on building a butt, they go to squats. Squats are great but squats only work the glutes from one angle. Also, doing tons of squats makes your knees hurt, or is that just me? LOL. While I still incorporate various kinds of squats into my workout routine, I have found a bunch of other creative ways to build up my glutes which inspired this post. By no means do I have a huge butt, but it is definitely rounder and more prominent now than it was in my twenties. So, because of the gains that I have been able to achieve, I want to share with you some of the best butt exercises that are better than squats.

The Best Butt Exercises That Are Better Than Squats

How To Build Glutes Without Squats

When I was younger, I was a skinny mini. I am still a smaller person, but that is just the genetic makeup of my body. In high school, I was 5’9” tall, and I weighed about 115lbs. Yep, super skinny.

Funny Story

I remember a kid in high school telling me that I would be way cuter if my butt weren’t so flat (told ya, booty has always been queen in my world). That comment didn’t feel so good, but I was 17 and I just chalked it up to this is how my body will be.

Fast forward a few years to my twenties and I began to develop my love for fitness. I’ve mentioned this before, but I was a cardio bunny and honey, cardio does not build a booty for my body.

Anywho, fast forward a few more years, and I start to learn about lifting weights and how weights are extremely helpful for building a bigger booty. I started to do more exercises with weights, and my body began to change. I had fuller thighs and a rounder tush, and I loved it. I spent several more years lifting weights, and my body is now stronger than it has ever been at any point in my life. Can you tell how much I love weight lifting?

Check out this full length legs & booty workout:

Do Squats And Lunges Really Work?            

This post is not meant to bash or downplay the effectiveness of doing squats and lunges. They are both the go-to exercise of most fitness professionals for a reason, and that is because they work.

But! (pun intended)

There are great reasons to not do the same exercises over and over again. Our bodies have a little something called muscle memory, and when we constantly do the same movements, our bodies remember them, and they become less effective in promoting the changes that we are working toward.

For those of us who do not like to do a ton of squats, this guide will be helpful to find new exercises that teach you how to build glutes without squats.

Why Resistance Bands Work?

Before we get into the workouts, I want to take a few seconds to explain why resistance bands work. Resistance bands are amazing because they work different muscle groups and perform different ranges of motion. Resistance bands are also great because they are inexpensive and lightweight making it easy to throw them in your bag if you’re planning to travel.

I like to use resistance bands with my workouts when I am unable to get to the gym to use weights. You can choose to use a thicker resistance band to make your workouts more challenging, or the thinner ones for less intensity.

The Best Booty Workout Routine

This workout will require resistance bands. For each of the exercises below try to do between 10 and 12 reps, and a total of 3 sets.

If you can only get through 2 sets, that is fine but try to build up to complete all 3 sets. I perform these exercises both at the gym and at home, and I will provide some modifications to show you how I incorporate weights into these exercises to make my workouts even more challenging and effective. Over the years, I have found that these are some of the best butt exercises when it comes to lifting, tightening, and toning your glutes.

Glute Bridge

Grab your workout mat and lie on the floor flat on your back for this exercise.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent about hip-width apart. Your feet should be flat on the floor
  2. Using your core muscles, squeeze your glutes and lift your hips up to a bridge. Hold for a few seconds and slowly return your body to the mat

Do 10 – 12 reps of this exercise

*Modification: I add a weight to my lower half when performing this exercise. Only do this when you are comfortable performing glute bridges and start with low weights.

Single Leg Glute Bridge

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent about hip-width apart. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Lift one leg toward the ceiling
  2. Squeeze glutes and lift your hips off the mat toward the ceiling keeping 1 leg extended. Hold for a few seconds and lower your leg down to your mat
  3. Repeat this for 10 – 12 reps and switch legs

Fire Hydrants

  1. With your mat on the floor, start by getting down on all fours with your knees hip-width apart and your palms flat into your mat
  2. Keeping your knee bent, raise your right leg our about hip height to the side. Hold for a few seconds and bring your knee back down to starting position
  3. Repeat this for 10 – 12 reps and switch legs

*Modification: I add a resistance band around my legs to make it more challenging which gives the glutes a really good workout.



  1. Start back on all four’s knees hip-width apart and palms flat into your mat.
  2. Extend your right leg and keep your toe pointed
  3. Lift your right leg toward the ceiling
  4. Slowly lower your right leg across your left leg and tap your toe on the floor
  5. Squeeze your glutes and lift your leg back to starting position, lower the leg back down and tap the floor with your toe
  6. Repeat for 10 – 12 reps and switch legs


Inner Leg Thigh Lift

  1. Lie on your right side on your mat and rest your head on your hand
  2. Bend your left and cross it over the right leg
  3. Keep the right leg straight and slowly raise the right leg off of the floor about six inches
  4. Repeat for 10 – 12 reps and switch legs

Side Lying Clams

  1. Lie on your right side on your mat with your knees bent at about a 45-degree angle
  2. Your left leg should be on top of your right leg with your heels together
  3. With your feet touching, raise your left knee as high as you can without moving your pelvis
  4. Pause and then bring your left knee back down
  5. Be sure that your other leg does not leave the floor

Single Leg Dead Lifts

  1. Stand on your right foot while bending your left leg in front of you. Your knee should be at hip height
  2. Engage your glutes as you slowly bring your body forward while reaching both hands toward the floor as you extend your left leg up toward the ceiling
  3. Repeat this exercise for 10 – 12 reps and switch legs

All of the items you need to complete
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