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The Simple Truth About Why You Aren’t Resting Well

Who likes sleep? Raising hand in a rapid motion. I certainly do, but lately, I have noticed that the quality of my sleep has not been the greatest. In my true analytical fashion, I decided to actively take notice of the things I do that may be preventing me from getting a good night of rest.

Bad Habits

Like most people living in 2018 with a smartphone, I have a habit of looking at my phone before going to bed, over analyzing the happenings of the day or thinking about what I’m going to wear to work the next day.

When you think about it, we all have our morning routines filled with the things we do to get ourselves ready to face the world, but for the most part, the nightly routine is forgotten about. I am in the habit of falling asleep on my couch and then dragging myself upstairs into bed. Not good.

As a child, I remember having nightly routines, such as take a bath, get your pajamas on, and brush your teeth. It is kind of like having an evening ritual that you abide by each night to prep yourself for a good night of rest.

What Can You Do To Get A Good Night of Rest

Nightly Routines

Having a night time routine as you did as a child can be a great way to let your body know that it will be time to shut it down soon. I like to do things like spraying my pillows with lavender, or you can draw a bath and take a relaxing soak with lavender bath salts. Another good thing to incorporate into your evening is drinking a cup of Sleepy Time Tea. I like to add a little bit of honey and sip my tea when it is getting close to time for me to head to bed. This is a great relaxation technique that I have found to be useful even during some of my insomnia phases.

Get Off of Your Phone

Our phones emit glaring blue light. This light slows down the body’s natural production of melatonin, making it harder for us to fall asleep when we are ready. The same goes for the iPad. Speaking of melatonin, I don’t know about you, but while this supplement works for some people, it does not work well for me. I have noticed that when I take it, I either wake up with a migraine, or I have crazy dreams. Can anyone else relate?  I have been using the Sleep Time app; it helps to analyze the quality of the sleep you’re getting, and it also has a smart alarm to wake you up gently instead of those annoying alarms that are pre-installed on the iPhone.


Your Bed Could Be The Culprit

Mattress quality is super important. Some people like a soft mattress and others like a firm one, but the key is to have a good mattress that you feel comfortable with. Another key component is having good linens for your bed. There are several bedding options where you can cut corners and not spend a ton but think of your bed and bedding as an investment in your quality of sleep. A good mattress and nice bedding are essential to a good night of rest. There is nothing like climbing into a bed with a great mattress and nice sheets.


I like to sleep in complete darkness. Any hint of light is an interruption to me. I recommend getting a nice set of light blocking drapes if you do not want to invest in shades. Doing so will turn your room into the perfect environment for the rest and relaxation you deserve. Additionally, bright overhead lights can be very distracting. Consider adding a small dimmable light to your bedside stand. This small light will provide you enough light if you like to read before bed without being disruptive to your sleep.

Temperature can affect your sleep

Adjusting the thermostat to a comfortable temperature can help you sleep better. If your room doesn’t have a ceiling fan, consider getting a portable remote controlled fan that you can turn on or off as needed. Some days your run hot, and some days you run cold. It is much easier to grab your remote and adjust your fan than it is to get up and change the thermostat in the middle of the night.

What are your best tips for falling asleep and getting a good night of rest? Which of these tips are you most looking forward to adding to your bedtime ritual?

After your good night of rest, check out this post about ways to make your mornings better.

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