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The 10 Minute Early Morning Yoga Routine You Need To Try Today

In honor of September being National Yoga Month, I decided to try to incorporate yoga into my daily routine. I work out quite frequently, as you may have gathered if you read my blog, but sometimes my body needs activities with lower intensity. Plus, I am all about finding efficiencies in my life, so I decided to add a bit of early morning yoga to my routine.

See my post about habits that improve your mornings

For a long time, I was pretty biased when it came to yoga. For some reason, I felt like it just was not for me. Eventually, I decided to give it a shot, and I loved it. My first winter back in Chicago was a cold one, and taking up hot yoga really helped me to deal with the adjustment from being in sunny Miami to being in frozen Chicago.

Yoga has so many amazing benefits as well, and it is especially beneficial for those of us who like to lift weights.

Benefits of yoga

1-Helps you to focus

When you do yoga, you are forced to focus on the here and now. Once you really begin to get into it, you will be able to drown out everything else, and completely focus on what you are doing.

Being able to focus on those moments of doing yoga will enable you to focus during other aspects of your life as well.

2-Improves Flexibility

I took a break from doing yoga for quite some time, and I am now at the point where I would consider myself a beginner, but I plan to improve.

In the beginning, it may feel difficult to complete some of the poses. You might even think that you are ripping your muscles, but trust me, if you follow the instructions of the yogi, you will be fine. As you begin to do more of the poses and stretch more, your body will become more limber, and your muscles will slowly start to loosen.

When you stick with yoga long term, you will begin to notice that some of your old aches and pains will begin to diminish. Yoga is great for everyone and can be beneficial to athletes, new moms, and those that are looking to improve their strength.

3-Relaxes you

Yoga is a great way to relax your body and reduce anxiety. Doing a gentle morning yoga routine can be beneficial and help you reduce stress. This can be particularly helpful in the mornings if you work in a stressful job, or you have a big meeting that you are trying to prepare for.

Yoga encourages you to relax your body because you will be doing a series of deep breaths, and focusing on the here and now.

There are many benefits to doing yoga, and I could go on and on about them, but I wanted to give you just a few reasons why you might want to start an early morning yoga routine.

10 Minute Early Morning Yoga Routine

Childs Pose 60 seconds

Downward Facing Dog – 60 seconds

Standing Side Stretch – 30 seconds each side

Backbend – 60 seconds

Upward Dog – 60 Seconds

Cobra Pose – 60 seconds

Vertical Standing Stretch – 60 seconds

Chest Opener – 60 seconds

Yogi Squat – 60 seconds

Savasana – 60 seconds

Child’s Pose

Start with the child’s pose. With this pose, you are stretching your lower back and helping to stimulate your digestive system.

Use your yoga mat and get down on your hands and knees. Take the knees out to the width of the mat. Sit back on your heels and bring the arms forward as far as you can.

Allow your tummy to drop between your thighs, and allow your forehead to touch the mat.

Breathe slowly and deeply as you hold this pose for 60 seconds.

This is a great gentle morning yoga pose to start your day with.

Downward Facing Dog

Coming out of your child’s pose, place your knees under your hips and place your feet hip distance apart. Your toes should be facing forward, and your arms should be straight, but not locked.

Your head and neck can hang freely, or you can look at your belly as you hold this pose.

Breathe slowly and deeply as you hold this pose for 60 seconds.

This pose stretches the back, opens the chest, and helps to build upper body strength.

Standing Side Stretch

Reach both hands up toward the sky keeping your shoulders relaxed and away from the ears.

Grab the left wrist with the right hand and gently pull your body towards the left side of the room. Hold on the left side for 30 seconds.

Repeat on the right side by grabbing your right wrist with your left hand and gently pulling your body toward the right side of the room. Hold on the right side for 30 seconds.

This pose stretches your arms and your sides.


Coming out of the standing side stretch pose, bring your arms straight up toward the ceiling, and gently lean backward. Be careful to not lose your balance with this pose.

Make sure that your feet are firmly pressed on the floor into your yoga mat, and hold this pose for 60 seconds.

Be sure to breathe deeply as you hold this pose.

The backbend opens the front of the body and strengthens the respiratory system.


Upward Dog

Lie down on your mat dropping the hips toward the floor.

Press your palms down into the floor allowing your shoulders to drop. Tilt your head toward the ceiling.

Take a deep breath and gently lift your hips off the floor. Breathe in and out deeply, and hold this pose for 60 seconds.

Upward facing dog strengthens the full body and helps to align the spine.

Cobra Pose

Coming out of the upward dog pose, start by laying on your stomach with your feet stretched behind you.

Bring the palms of your hands underneath your shoulders with your elbows pulled inward.

Inhale and press into your palms to lift your chest off the ground.

Hold this pose for 60 seconds.

The cobra pose stretches the lower back and strengthens the arms and shoulders.

This pose is a great way to start your day because stress tends to settle in our backs.

Vertical Standing Stretch

Up on your feet for this stretch. Place your feet firmly into your yoga mat and stand tall for this pose.

Your arms should be facing the ceiling, and you will want to hold this pose for 60 seconds.

This stretch is great because you are giving your spine a good stretch, and it helps to improve your posture.


Chest Opener

Stand tall, and put your arms behind your back. Interlock your fingers and stick your chest out. Try to gently squeeze your shoulder blades as you do this post.

The tighter you squeeze, the deeper you stretch.

This pose is great for opening up your body and preparing you for the day ahead.

Yogi Squat

The Yogi Squat is great for strengthening the legs and hips.

Start by placing your feet hip-width apart. Turn your toes out and your heels in.

Allow your body to drop into a deep squat and bring the elbows between the legs.

Breathe deeply as you hold this pose for 60 seconds.


It is said that this is one of the most difficult poses to achieve.

Laying flat on your back, bring your arms to your side, and place your palms up. Allow your shoulders to roll back flat against your mat.

Your toes should fall out to each side of you, and your body should be completely relaxed.

You Did It!

When you finish this routine, your body should feel relaxed and ready for whatever the day may bring you. Try to do this routine a few times each week to get your body used to getting stretched.

Yoga has some really amazing benefits, and I am hoping to incorporate it into my routine even after this month is over.

Pin this pin for later so that you can practice these poses over and over again.


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