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Working Out Without A Gym

One thing we can all agree on is the fact that the pandemic completely changed our approaches to fitness. Prior to the pandemic, I was a complete gym rat. I went to the gym several times a week and I honestly felt like you couldn’t be fit working out without a gym. Boy has my opinion changed.


It has been almost 2 years since I’ve been working out without a gym

So what does that mean? Guys, I have never been more fit in my entire life than I have been over the past almost 2 years. So what have I been doing you might ask? If you don’t know, I became a certified personal trainer during the panny. I used that time to create workouts that were effective for my body and I started to workout at home. I went from being stressed out about waking up at 4:45 am to get to the gym before work, workout, get home, get ready, and go to the office to waking up at 6:15 working out at home, getting ready for work, and logging in with a hot cup of lemon water in hand ready for the day (how did we ever do all of these thing before 8 am?!)

What have I been doing?

I try to vary my workouts, zone train, and incorporate new kinds of movement into my daily routines. For example Monday I’ll do a full body workout, Tuesday I’ll focus on upper body, Wednesday is legs day, Thursday is cardio and core (abs), and Friday I will focus on glutes and legs again ( I’m obsessed with getting those gym body quads).

Saturday I’ll focus on doing a morning stretching routine and Sunday is a complete rest day to allow my body time to recover.

Where do I find my workouts?

YouTube. I was completely against YouTube prior to the pandemic. Meaning, I only worked out at the gym and felt like home workouts couldn’t be effective. I create my own workouts which you can find here . 

There are so many other amazing fitness Yourtuber’s as well that create daily workouts like Sydney Cummings. When I don’t have the time to create my own workouts, I leverage her content plus its nice to feel like I’m not working out alone sometimes.


What I’ve Noticed

My workouts no longer feel rushed. I actually have the opportunity to plan my workouts and vary my routines so that my muscles don’t get too used to the same movements, and my body looks better than it ever has during my time of rushing to the gym several days a week. We are almost 2 years into the pandemic and I honestly do not see myself ever going back to the gym.


Home Workout Essentials

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