10 Ways To Help You Overcome Writer’s Block
I have been blogging for the past few months now, and it finally happened to me. I hit a wall so hard that I could not write. Since our content is a representation of us, it is probably not the best idea to blog when you’re not feeling it. My goal is always to post at least two new posts per week, but lately, the struggle has been real. I am determined to keep my blog going, so today, I am sharing with you some of the things I did to help me with overcoming writer’s block and getting out of my blogging slump.
Blogging Community
Guys, I cannot tell you how important it is to be part of blogging communities. I posted in a Facebook group that I am in, and I got so much support. It helps so much when you can connect with people who know where you are and can relate to your struggles. I’m sure almost every blogger out there can relate to experiencing and overcoming writer’s block, but it’s how you rebound from it that matters most.
When you’re in a blogging slump, reach out to your blogging tribe, and lean on them for the support you need. You will be so surprised by how quickly they are willing to jump in and offer you helpful advice.
Remember why you started
When you created your blog, there was a reason and a purpose behind it. So think back to that period, and recount the reasons why you decided to launch your blog.
Did you want to help people? Did you have a problem that you wanted your blog to address? Or, did you begin writing your blog as a means to express yourself?
Whatever your reason(s) are, there was something that led you to take on the task of building your blog. I understand that this can be a daunting task, but trust me, if you stick with it, it will work out in the long run. While writing might seem difficult right now, take the time to journal and note the reasons why you started your blog. You might be surprised by what comes out of it. To be honest, my inability to write is what sparked the idea to write this post, so there you have it.
Do Not Compare Yourself To Others
There are so many bloggers in the world, and it can be easy to get caught up with self-comparison. I am guilty of it, so this note is for you and me.
Every blogger had to start somewhere, and something to keep in mind is that every blogger did not begin with glamourous professional photos and 100,000 page views per month.
Blogging is hard work, and the ones that are successful will tell you that they put a lot of work in to get their blogs to where they are today. Blogging takes time, persistence, and patience.
Use their stories as inspiration instead of feeling like its a competition. Remember, that it should always be community over competition because even though we all have our blogging goals, we are in this together.
Instead of scrolling through your Instagram feed and feeling defeated by the success of other bloggers, take a look at where they started.
This is a tedious task, but when I see the super successful bloggers, I scroll all the way to the beginning of their feeds. You will see a lot of grainy photos taken on crappy cameras. My statement is not to bash other bloggers, but what I want you to understand is that even the most successful people were not always super successful bloggers.
What this means for you is that as long as you stay persistent, and keep at it, you too can be successful.
Do Background Work
If you are experiencing writer’s block, use the time to complete other blogging related tasks. Work on your SEO, create new pins for Pinterest. Refresh existing content.
Look at the posts you have already published and read through them. I am sure some posts could stand to be spruced up a little bit, right?
Working on existing content will feel a lot less daunting than trying to create something completely new.
While I was in my recent blogging slump, I spent a lot of time going through the Dare To Conquer formerly Billionaire Blog Club courses. I’ve gone through the course two times already, but this time, I feel like my brain absorbed even more information.
Use the time to learn more, and better yourself as a blogger. By doing blog related activities, your blog will stay top of mind, and it will be less likely for you to abandon your blog.
As newer bloggers there is always something to learn, so spend your time wisely, and it will pay off in the long run.
Refresh your blog
Have you been blogging for a long time? Maybe it is time to update your theme, take a look at your color scheme, or do a bit more digging to define your niche. Sometimes taking the time to reset is the boost you need to get you back on track and focused on your goal.
Remember, you started your blog for a reason, right?
If you don’t want to change the theme of your blog, perhaps you can refresh your photos. If you are a lifestyle photographer, there is always a need for new photos and digital content. Go through your blog and find a few photos you would like to update.
Grab your photography friend and start snapping away. Even if you are experiencing writer’s block, you might be surprised how doing other blogging related tasks can help you with overcoming writer’s block and find the inspiration you need to start back writing.
Guest Post
When you are in a blogging slump, use your community to help you out. There are plenty of bloggers who are looking to build backlinks and would love to write a guest post for your blog.
In many of the blogging groups on Facebook, you can post what you are looking for regarding guest content, and set the parameters surrounding when you need it by.
This is especially helpful when you are in a blogging slump because you will have fresh content coming to your site without the hassle of creating it.
Each blog post will help to keep you going, and hopefully seeing new perspectives from other bloggers will inspire you to write.
Allow yourself time away
As someone who still works a full-time job and blogs on the side, I need to pay attention to this advice as well.
Sometimes when we are experiencing writer’s block, or in a blogging slump, we need a break. There is nothing wrong with allowing yourself time away from blogging. Especially when you are being pulled in many directions from blogging, working, parental responsibilities, and life.
Think about your blogging schedule, and try to pick a couple of days that you can comfortably take away from blogging to give yourself time to recharge your batteries.
Maybe you can take a quick trip or hang with family and friends. Do the things that make you feel happy, and the things that help you find your inspiration.
Sometimes when you are in the midst of things that feel fulfilling, you find the inspiration you need to look back at the blinking cursor on your computer screen and start forming words in Word. #cheappun
Market Existing Content
Use the time to market the content that you have already written. Check your pins that drive traffic to those posts. How are they doing? If they are not performing well, create new pins.
Market your content in your Facebook groups. Post new photos on Instagram that tie into your post content and include the link in your bio.
Doing these small tasks will get more eyes on your content, and keep your blog afloat while you are in your blogging slump.
Sites like Medium are also another great place to post your content and interact with other bloggers and content creators.
When all else fails, start writing
You are probably looking at your screen and rolling your eyes but keep reading. If you think back to when you were younger (well, if you are close to my age) we had to write things down with a pen and paper.
There is something about putting pen to paper that gets the creative juices flowing. It requires you to think outside of the box, and in some cases, it pushes you to be more creative. Think of it as a challenge, push yourself to think outside of the box, write down some ideas to think on, and come back to it.
Once you have your thoughts sorted, open up that laptop and own that blinking cursor and the blank page. It is ok to write the first draft and take some time away from it. Think of the first draft as an outline, so at least you have a starting point. The most important thing is getting started and not giving up.
And if all else fails, well, Pinterest
I love Pinterest. It has so many uses. It drives traffic to our blogs (yeya), we can find beautiful ideas for our homes, and delicious recipes to try. But! It can also help you when you are struggling with figuring out what to write about. Hopefully, you have set up a business account, and you are utilizing it to search trending topics to find out what users are looking for. These trends can help to inform what topics you should write about. People are searching for information every single day, so it is up to us content creators to push it out and provide what they are looking for.
Being a blogger is not all glitz and glam, but it can be so rewarding if you stick with it. Find your inspiration, understand that every day will not be perfect, but know that, that is totally fine.
Finally, leave me a note and let me know how you find your inspiration when you have writer’s block.
And if you are a new blogger, read these tips to learn how I increased my monthly views on Pinterest to drive my traffic to my blog.
Pin this pin on Pinterest and share with other bloggers who may need help with overcoming writer’s block.
This is fantastic.
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