How To Start Working Out When You Have Lost Your Motivation
Is it just me, or are we approaching that time of year when going to the gym and keeping a consistent routine seems more difficult? Over the past several months I made the switch from working out in the evenings to doing morning workouts. But now that it is pitch black outside when my alarm goes off at 5 and still dark when I finish working out by 6:45, I am experiencing a slump and a loss of motivation to get out of bed and hit the gym. And then I eat a few snacks, and I remember that I am in my mid 30’s with a slower metabolism, and boom, motivation, LOL. Honestly, it is not that simple, but today I am going to share with you some tips on how to start working out when you have lost your motivation to hit the gym.
How to start working out when you have lost your motivation
I truly believe that the way you start your morning dictates how the rest of your days goes.
Example 1: On the days that I do not go to the gym I steal those few extra minutes of sleep, but I do not feel rested when I peel myself out of bed.
Example 2: When my alarm goes off at 5 am, I dread it, but I get up and hit the gym, and I feel ready to conquer my day. Nothing is perfect, and on these days I definitely require coffee when I arrive at the office.
It feels like the hardest part about morning workouts for me is the getting out of bed part, but once I get out, I’m good to go. Does this happen to you as well?
When I feel like I am in a workout slump, I have to get creative to find and keep my workout motivation. Whether you are looking to get motivated to start working out or get motivated to lose weight, these tips will be helpful for you.
Loss of Motivation – What Now?
Tip 1 – Start Small
Working out does not have to be all or nothing. This is especially true when you are trying to figure out how to start working out when you have lost your motivation to exercise. In these cases, you can start small by committing to workout 15 minutes a few times a week.
If you find that you do not have the time to go to the gym, you can start by doing a quick home workout. Or, perhaps you live close to where you work, and you can walk to work instead of driving.
When you are at the stage when you are having a loss of motivation, try to focus less on your fitness or weight loss goals, and more on getting your body moving. At this stage, we want to begin to reestablish routines, and once we have that part down, you can start back focusing on your specific weight loss goals.
There have definitely been times for me when I have been in workout slumps for a couple of weeks where I completely skipped the gym. When I decide to start back working out, I start slowly by doing home workouts that target specific areas like arms, abs, or booty. Doing short workouts can help you get back into the mindset of working out, and push you to start back doing it more consistently and longer.
Finding Your Workout Motivation
Tip 2: Give Yourself A Boost
I know that in some cases when we skip working out for longer periods of time, we might pack on a few extra pounds. So maybe you are looking to get motivated to lose weight. There is nothing wrong with this at all because we all have to start somewhere.
The most important thing is to build yourself up not tear yourself down. Instead of focusing on the negatives, the extra lbs, the how you got to this point, think positively. Think about what you are going to do to reach your fitness goals.
Know that you are worth it, and know that working out is for you and no one else. Getting more fit can be a big confidence boost. Stick with it, and use the idea of how you will look as your workout motivation.
Tip 3: Schedule Your Workouts
When you are trying to figure out how to how to start working out when you have lost your motivation, you have to treat fitness like an important life task.
Look at your schedule and figure out a time that works best for you. How much time will you be able to realistically dedicate to working out? How many days per week are you able to commit to working out?
Planning out your workout days and times will help a lot when you have lost motivation to workout. Once you have figured out which days and times work for you, add them to your calendar along with an alert to make sure you do not forget about it.
Whether you are planning to work out in the morning or the evening, try to pack your gym bag ahead of time to avoid having additional tasks. When I am trying to get out of the house to the gym, the last thing I want to do is take the time to pack my bag and triple check it to make sure I have everything I need. Amirite?
Get Motivated to Lose Weight
Tip 4: Find a Gym Buddy
Working out sucks less when you have a partner. If you are like me, and you are doing early morning workouts, it sucks a little less when you know someone else is getting up just as early to workout.
When you have lost your motivation to exercise, you need a support system. Sometimes you are up, and you can motivate the other person. Sometimes you are down, and you need your workout buddy to motivate you. Knowing that someone else is counting on us can make up feel a sense of accountability.
Think about it this way; you can have your gym bag packed and have every intention of hitting the gym after work, get in your car, and go home instead. When you have someone texting you “see you at 5” you don’t want to leave them hanging, so you, in turn, go to the gym and get that workout in.
Getting to the gym can be hard, but have you ever truly regretted a workout after it was done? Probably not, right?
Tip 5: Get Social
If you do not have someone close to you that can help keep you motivated to workout, utilize strangers. Don’t worry; this won’t be creepy. There are numerous fitness groups on Facebook where people post workouts, post results, and interact with each other.
Do a workout challenge with the people in the group and make sure to keep in touch about how your workouts are going. Seeing the results of how well people are doing is a sure way to help you keep your workout motivation.
Exercise and fitness are great ways to connect with new people, and who knows, maybe someone from the fitness group is local, and you have just found a new workout buddy.
Tip 6: Stimulate Your Brain While Working Out
Update your playlist with some of your favorite songs, or try listening to a great podcast while you workout.
I have noticed that when I listen to something while I work out the time flies. I become more focused on what is in my ears instead of how much time my workout is taking.
There are so many wonderful podcasts out there from mysteries to talks where you can learn something new. Head over to iTunes and do a bit of research to find one you might find interesting.
Or add some new songs to your Spotify playlist and sing along (in your head) as you get your workout on.
Listening to music is a great escape, and it can also serve as motivation to keep you going when you feel like you cannot do those last few reps. Find what works for you and pop those headphones in.
We all go through times where we experience a lack of motivation so know that you are not alone. Pick yourself up and get back at it. You will not regret it.
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