Girl Talk: How to Make That Time of the Month Better Using Natural Remedies
Oh, periods.
That monthly reminder that lets you know you’re a woman. It’s actually one of my least favorite parts about being a woman. I have a love-hate relationship with mine, but I know its necessary, and I know it’s not going anywhere, anytime soon. Luckily, there are things we can do to make that time of the month more bearable, and easier to cope with.
Over the years as I get older, I have noticed that getting creative and finding natural period pain remedies work better for me than taking a ton of medication. I try to avoid medicine as much as I can, but there are times where you just cannot avoid it. Midol me, please!
A little bit of science
Before we get into the tips for coping during that time of the month, let’s talk a little bit about the science behind what is happening to your body each month, and why those 3 – 7 days are so crappy. Those pesky cramps are due to the elevated production of prostaglandins; a hormone produced by the uterus.
During our time of the month, the higher production causes the uterus to contract, shutting off the blood supply to the uterus momentarily. This, in turn, deprives the uterus muscle of oxygen, which in results in cramps. Ouch.
So what home remedies for menstrual cramps work best?
Drink Tea
Red raspberry leaf tea has become my go-to for making things more manageable. This tea works by balancing the hormones, and it can also help to slow down the flow when you are menstruating. Red raspberry tea is high in iron and b vitamins, that help to reduce nausea and cramping. The b vitamins can also aid in giving you a much-needed energy boost. If you are anything like me and feel exhausted during your monthly; this can be a big benefit.
Another tea that I like to drink is ginger and turmeric tea. Ginger and turmeric are great for fighting inflammation. Based on the elevated levels of prostaglandins our bodies are producing during this time, you can probably guess that it is accompanied by inflammation.
Tea is soothing, and it helps the body to relax, making it the perfect remedy for when Aunt Flo drops into town.
I know that this one may sound not so appealing, especially during the first couple days, but trust me, it is beneficial. You do not need to do an intense workout session, but getting up and getting moving can be another great way to deal with your pain.
When we work out, our bodies release beta-endorphins. Beta-endorphins help to burn chemicals in the body that cause cramps making it a natural pain reliever. You can do light stretching, or a beginners yoga video to get your body moving without high impact. If you are having one of those high pain days, you want to make sure you take it easy and stick with lower impact routines. Just enough to get the body moving, and work up a sweat. Check out these yoga poses to help relieve cramping.
Get Extra Rest
Between working full-time and running my blog, getting extra rest sometimes seems impossible. I know that when I am getting my monthly, my body feels drained. In the spirit of planning, I try to go to bed a little bit earlier when possible, to allow my body to get the rest it craves during this time.
I know that this is not always possible, but even 20 to 30 minutes of extra sleep can prove to be beneficial during this time. Our bodies are going through a lot during this time, and it is ok to take some extra time to care for you.
I struggle with being able to get comfortable at night during my time of the month. Because of this, I invested in one of those cool body pillows that are made for expectant moms. This thing has been a total lifesaver, and the couple months since I have gotten it, my quality of sleep has improved when Flo shows up.
Grab a heating pad
Although it tends to ruin the weekend, I always cross my fingers and hope that my monthly drops on the weekend. When it does, I know that I will have the opportunity to relax and take care of myself, and curl up with my heating pad. Of course, this is not always the case, and there are times when we must get out of bed and face the world to support ourselves.
On those days, my go-to is the Thermacare Heat Wraps. They have wraps that are specific for menstrual pain relief. They are flat and discreet, and I wear them under my clothes to get through the day. Another hack is that when it is freezing here in Chicago, I wear them under my clothes to help keep warm. I am one of those weird people who is almost always cold.
If you do not have a heating pad, try putting warm water in a water bottle and using it on your stomach. I recommend placing a towel on your skin in case the water bottle is too hot.
Eat specific foods to help with the pain
I feel like I can speak for most women when I say that I crave all of the bad foods during my time of the month. Chips, cookies, brownies, basically, anything salty and sweet will do the trick for me. But did you know that these sweet and salty snacks could be contributing to making your cramps worse? Sugar depletes the body of critical minerals which can result in mood swings and even those annoying period headaches.
Salt contributes to water retention, in turn, making the bloating that many of us experience worse (sorry, Salt Bae). Eating foods like avocados, and foods that are high in fiber can help with reducing some of the symptoms felt during your period.
Alternative Snacks
If you must have chocolate, and trust me, I understand. Skip the milk chocolate and opt for dark chocolate; it is high in fiber putting it in the green light category for foods to eat during this time. I like to make my own trail mix with cacao nibs and pumpkin seeds. It almost always cures my sweet/salty cravings.
The theme here is taking care of you, and listening to what your body needs. Introducing natural remedies like red raspberry leaf tea, and ginger turmeric teas, have been a lifesaver for me. I hope you find some of these tips useful, and also that they help make Aunt Flo’s next visit more pleasant.
Drop a comment below and let me know about your go-to home remedies for menstrual cramps. I hope the natural period pain remedies prove to be as useful for you as they are for me.
*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click the product link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission which helps me cover the expenses for this blog, and keep serving you with fresh content.
My Top Picks
Raspberry Leaf Tea
Pregancy pillow that I use for sleeping during my period
I agree with alot of your remedies, althouh i have extreme cramps and midol and regular asprin never workEd for me. So my Gyno put me on a biRthcontrol and a perscription painKiller that really help. Now i only have pain for the first 2-3 days and the rest is easy. I agree to the heat wraps! I love those things! Chocolate and salt are also my Go to’s! A heating pad even at night for me really helps me sleep as well.
Thank you! I had to be prescribed birth control to help with mine as well. After trying many different forms and having an IUD disaster, I have finally found a pill that works and helps with the pain.
I love tea and never thought that raspberry tea helped! i think i’ll try that next month.
I hope it helps!
This advice is very helpful, thank you!!
Thank you!
I am about to start and I can already tell i am getting moody! I crave all the bad foods but try not to eat bad but sometimes i cant help it! heating pad helps a lot and so does exercise!
I get so moody too. Sometimes I annoy myself with how moody I get, LOL.
it sounds pretty good, i gotta check it out! THank you for the recomendation
I did not know that about Red raspberry tea and I am definitely going to try it! I always have my heating pad ready, it’s a lifesaver! Thanks for the tips!
It has been such a lifesaver for me! I try to have it a couple times a week even on none period weeks.
I love this helps me a lot
I am so happy it helps!
I did not know that tea could help! I am so excited!
The red raspberry tea has helped me so much.
This information was much needed. I’ve struggled with my period since the age of 12. Yikes! I’m going to invest in the raspberry tea. Thanks!